Ordering with Varun is easy and convenient - here's how it works:

1. Shopping Cart
Click the "Add to Cart" button, select the items you want to order. This will add the items to your shopping cart. If you want to pre-order, click the "Pre-Order Now" button to add the items to your cart. You can edit your cart at any time before checkout by changing the quantity of items, clicking the "Remove" box to delete items, or canceling the ordering process. Click the "Continue to Checkout" button to move to the next ordering step.

2. Checkout
During checkout, you have three options:
a) You create a customer account and register as a new customer.
b) If you already have a customer account, you can log in using your email address and password.
c) You can also order as a guest without creating your own customer account.
Click the "Continue" button to begin the ordering process.

3. Review Billing/Shipping Address
Review your billing and shipping address, then click the "Continue" button to proceed to the next ordering step.

4. Customer Information
In the final ordering step, you will see an order overview. This will display the selected items, invoice amount, shipping, delivery and billing address, and information about the selected delivery and payment methods. Verify that all the information is correct. By clicking the "Buy Now" button, you can submit your order to us. By doing so, you are making a legally binding offer. You will receive an order confirmation email with more information.

5. Delivery
After we receive your order, we will review your order information within 1 business day and arrange for the products you ordered to be shipped to you via a local transportation company. The usual delivery time is 3-5 business days (excluding holidays). Once you receive the products, it indicates that the order is complete.

6. After-sales Service
If you encounter any issues, please feel free to contact us. We will promptly connect you with our technical support team or the local Varun service center to assist you in resolving the problem. You can also download product manuals and user guides from our website for more information.